Thursday, 21 April 2011

The Last Supper

My Church has a thing, on Maundy Thursday each year we do our own reenactment of the last supper, sure Jesus didn't have roast potatoes but we act it out according to what the first 3 gospels and Paul said, including the passover meal. Since attending this Church I have loved this tradition, its a great lamb roast and its lovely to share a meal at Church.
Unfortunately this year, the man cast as Jesus only had a baby a few weeks ago, as well as having a toddler and appeared to forget about his commitment for tonight, we waited and delayed, but eventually had to start so the dinner wasn't ruined. There were two choices for his replacement, the boy who played Judas last year or a 16 year old who is not big on the whole church thing, but came along to the meal with his mum, I think more than anything it was a big responsibility for him, luckily he got us out of a sticky situation.
Today has been more than busy, I also went to a funeral, I did not know the man well, but my dad, who was leading the service did and it broke my heart when I heard his voice crack mid talking trying to hold back the tears, he did well however and it was a beautiful service.

This weekend is Easter weekend, the most important few days in the Christian year, a time for reflection and thanks. I am not one to impose my faith, but I can't tell you how beautiful I find the idea that Jesus died for our sins.

JT xxx

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