Wednesday 20 April 2011

Sing You Home

I will start by explaining I am a mad Jodi Picoult fan, I had always been interested in her books due to their monopolising of the charity shop book shelves but didn't decide to try one until I heard My Sister's Keeper was being made into a movie. So off I trotted to cancer research to bag myself a copy and I LOVED it, it was gripping although slightly long (something now I cherish and wish they were all 500 pages plus). I was then on holiday, staying with friends when I found out I was staying with a fellow enthusiast, we decided to go see it and then get some dinner, we spent the whole of dinner panning the movie, how much we hated how it had been ruined. More recently I saw the movie again and I enjoyed it, but the ending changing did upset me, and I still hate WB for this.
From there it became a challenge to read them all, I now only have 3 I haven't read, it would just be one but her books seem to be very in moment and so it is proving difficult to find them in the charity shops, even my trusted Oxfam Books in Headingley which takes far too much of my student loan. At first they'd take me a few weeks to manage them, now its a few days, if I get addicted to one I have to limit myself to 100 pages a day, book fanatic or not, I am officially sad.
So when I heard she was doing a talk, reading and book signing of her latest book Sing You Home I knew I had to go, I was so excited to hear about her new book and find out a bit more about her as an author(well more than wikipedia has told me). It was fantastic, the new book, struggling with religion and homosexuality in America sounds fascinating and I'm very upset I am hiding it until my holiday in Tenerife in June (exams must come first unfortunately). I skipped the book signing, in 24 degree heat I did not fancy waiting in a room full of hundreds of eager fans to get a signature, I had seen her, that was what mattered. The best part of the evening was most definitely when asked if she'd be willing to sell the film rights if any of her other books after the My Sister's Keeper fiasco and she said a happy yes, Sing You Home has already been sold and I am currently trying to track down the TV movies of the 3 that have been made them so far. she did go on to give a great story about the fiasco saying(not a direct quote):
"Selling the movie rights of one of your books is like giving a baby up for adoption, just like you cannot call up every day to check they fed the child breakfast you also can't turn up to the studio to check they're doing it right and then one day you might find out how they turned out, they may have become upstanding members of society, or they may have become a prostitute."
Having been promised she'd be informed if the ending would be changed she still doesn't know why it was, which is unfortunate, but it didn't make as much as expected, hopefully Sing You Home will be kept intact but you never do know with books turned into films.

JT xxx

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